
# How to Grow Mushrooms in an SGFC (Shotgun Fruiting Chamber)

## Introduction

Growing mushrooms can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby. One popular method of growing mushrooms is by using a Shotgun Fruiting Chamber (SGFC). SGFCs provide the perfect environment for mushrooms to thrive and produce abundant fruiting bodies. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up and using an SGFC to grow mushrooms in Singapore.

## What is an SGFC?

An SGFC, or Shotgun Fruiting Chamber, is a type of fruiting chamber used to cultivate mushrooms. It is called a shotgun chamber because it mimics the ideal growing conditions found in nature, allowing mushrooms to fruit and develop effectively. The basic design of an SGFC consists of a plastic container with small holes drilled around the sides to provide proper air exchange and humidity.

## Setting up Your SGFC

Here are the step-by-step instructions for setting up and using your SGFC to grow mushrooms:

### Step 1: Gather Materials

To create your SGFC, you will need the following materials:

– A clear plastic container with a lid (preferably translucent)

– A drill and drill bits

– Perlite or vermiculite

– Distilled water

– A spray bottle

– Mushroom spawn or colonized substrate

### Step 2: Drill Holes

Using the drill, create small holes around the sides of the plastic container. These holes will allow for proper air circulation and humidity control. The size and spacing of the holes are crucial for maintaining the right microclimate inside the chamber. Aim for approximately 1/4-inch holes spaced about 2 inches apart.

### Step 3: Prepare the Substrate

Depending on the type of mushrooms you want to grow, you will need to prepare the appropriate substrate. This can include spent coffee grounds, straw, sawdust, or a combination of different materials. Follow the specific instructions for your chosen mushroom species when preparing the substrate.

### Step 4: Fill the Container with Perlite or Vermiculite

Before placing the substrate in the container, fill the bottom with a layer of perlite or vermiculite. These materials help maintain humidity levels and create a humid microenvironment for the mushrooms to grow.

### Step 5: Add the Substrate and Spawn

Place your prepared substrate on top of the perlite or vermiculite layer inside the container. Make sure the substrate is evenly spread and level. Then, evenly distribute your mushroom spawn or colonized substrate on top of the substrate layer. The spawn contains the mycelium, which will colonize the substrate and eventually produce mushrooms.

### Step 6: Mist the Substrate and Close the Lid

Use a spray bottle filled with distilled water to mist the substrate and spawn. This will provide the necessary moisture for the mycelium to grow. Be careful not to saturate the substrate; the goal is to maintain a consistently damp environment. Once misted, close the lid of the container.

### Step 7: Monitor and Maintain the SGFC

Place your SGFC in a suitable location, preferably in a room with a stable temperature and low light conditions. Mushrooms thrive in temperatures around 20-24 degrees Celsius. Monitor the humidity levels inside the chamber and adjust as needed by misting the substrate. Maintain a humidity level of around 90-95%. Ensure proper air circulation by periodically fanning the SGFC.

### Step 8: Harvesting the Mushrooms

After a few days to weeks, you will start noticing small pinheads developing on the surface of the substrate. These are the beginnings of your mushrooms. With time, they will grow and mature. When the caps have fully opened but haven’t yet released spores, gently twist and pull the mushrooms from the substrate. Harvest regularly to encourage further fruiting.

## Tips for Successful Mushroom Cultivation in an SGFC

– Maintain proper humidity levels: Mushrooms need a humid environment to grow, but excessive moisture can lead to contamination. Regularly mist the substrate and monitor the humidity levels inside the SGFC to achieve the ideal conditions.

– Provide proper air circulation: Fanning the SGFC a few times a day helps circulate fresh air and prevents stagnant conditions that can promote mold growth.

– Practice cleanliness and hygiene: Sterilize all tools and materials before use to minimize the risk of contamination. Work in a clean and sanitary environment to ensure the best results.

– Choose the right mushroom species: Different mushroom species have specific requirements for growth. Research the specific needs and preferences of the mushrooms you want to cultivate to ensure success.

– Be patient: Mushroom cultivation can take time and requires patience. Give the mycelium enough time to colonize the substrate and develop fruiting bodies. Avoid rushing the process for the best results.

## Conclusion

Growing mushrooms in an SGFC can be a fascinating and fulfilling experience. By following the steps outlined in this article and maintaining the proper conditions, you can successfully grow a variety of mushroom species in Singapore. Remember to be patient, monitor the humidity levels, and provide adequate air circulation for optimum mushroom growth. With time and practice, you will be harvesting your own delicious and nutritious mushrooms at home.